No. 1 trick to making New Year's resolutions that stick

Choosing a word of the year can help define what you want to accomplish in 2019.

Ann Shoket is the author of "The Big Life," a step-by-step guide to a big career, life, love and happiness. Here she shares why she chooses a "Word of the Year" to help chart her course for the New Year.

You don’t need any help making resolutions. You already have a huge to-do list of things you want to achieve in the new year.

Healthier? Check! More money in the bank? Check! Maybe more fun and adventure in your life -- as long as you have time to unwind and de-stress? Check! Check! Check!

But it’s so easy to get distracted or lose momentum. You start out in January with great intentions, but by February, you’re flagging and back to your old ways. But I have a trick that will sustain you through the year -- even if your goals change.

I’m a big fan of choosing a Word of the Year.

It’s not your goal, it’s the thing you need to keep yourself moving forward toward your goals. It’s a mantra that helps you remember why you set those goals in the first place.

So how do you choose your word? Make a list of all your goals, big and small. Maybe you want to be more on time. Maybe you want to start a business. Maybe you want to travel more.

What do you need to keep you going? Confidence? Bravery? Focus? Fun?

(MORE: Move over, New Year's resolutions: Why you should make a 'reverse bucket list' instead)

The word shouldn’t be lofty or out of reach. It’s like a reminder bracelet -— a little trick to keep you focused.

One year, I chose "Big" as my word. It was a promise to not let anyone or anything make me feel small or unworthy. Then there was the year "Deeper" was my word as I was focused on strengthening the relationships around me in my personal and professional life.

I’ve even used Word of the Year at work to motivate my team. One year, I chose "Fast" -— the market was changing and we had to move with it. And the next year, I chose "Brave" for my team -— we were playing it safe, and we needed to remember to innovate in brave new ways.

(MORE: 'Don't set a dead person's goal' and more tips to stay on track with your New Year's resolutions)

This year, my word is "Impact."

There are so many things I want to do -— and a million steps in between to achieve my goals. It would be easy to get drained and give up. But this word is a reminder to put my energy where I can have the most IMPACT for my family, for my career, for my life.

This year, we’re all feeling so stressed. The world feels like it’s moving a mile a minute. But choosing a Word of the Year ahead gives you a chance to step out of all that stress. It’s your chance to create positivity and optimism for your next year.

I always play around with a few words for a while before I land on my Word of the Year.

Live with your options for a week or so. You’ll know when the word feels just right for you!

I’m wishing you and peace, happiness, and a BIG IMPACT for 2019!