Excerpt: Dr. Jessica Wu's 'The Feed Your Face Philosophy'

Read an excerpt of Dr. Jessica Wu's "The Feed Your Face Philosophy."

Feb. 2, 2011 — -- Dermatologist Dr. Jessica Wu explains how her diet improves your skin by eliminating blemishes and reducing wrinkles.

Read an excerpt from "The Feed Your Face Philosophy" below or click here to check out her website.

The Feed Your Face Philosophy

A few years ago a young father of three came to my office withwhat he thought was a rash. He was a strong, sturdy guy— a constructionworker— with no health problems to speak of except forthis per sis tent itch that was keeping him up at night. His pharmacistgave him oatmeal baths, his wife bought him all sorts of lotions andcreams, but nothing worked. Even as we talked, he scratched and scratchedand scratched, but when I examined him, I couldn't fi nd any rash. All themarks on his skin were self- infl icted, left over from his fi ngernails digginginto his flesh.

There are all sorts of reasons for why someone might develop "itching ofunknown cause," but it's a long and scary list (think liver problems, cancer,etc.). I didn't want to freak the poor guy out— at least not without knowinganything for sure— so we took some blood, I wrote a prescription for asoothing cream, and we sent his sample out for tests.The next day I got a call from the lab. This was not good news: The labnever calls unless something is seriously wrong. As fate would have it, theyoung man was in full kidney failure and very, very sick. I referred him toan internist who put him on dialysis that very same day. And all he had wasan itch.

The Feed Your Face Philosophy

It is not my intention to scare the living daylights out of you here but,rather, to point out a simple fact: Your skin is important. It's not just whatkeeps your insides in; how it looks is an indicator of your overall health,and it's often the first (and sometimes the only) sign of serious illness elsewherein the body. If your liver is in bad shape, you'll get jaundice (you'llturn yellow). Pale skin and hair loss are often the first signs of anemia.People with lung disease can appear pale and sallow (because they're notgetting enough oxygen to the skin). Crash dieters can look gaunt, as iftheir skin were sagging. In fact, every time you visit a doctor— any doctor,not just a dermatologist— he or she checks out your skin as part of theoverall examination. Taking care of your skin is a big part of keeping yourwhole body healthy.

Here's the good news: Getting beautiful, healthy skin doesn't have to betime- consuming, expensive, or intimidating. You don't have to forgo gettinga great tan. You don't have to stop wearing makeup. And you definitely don'thave to keep Olga, the Rus sian facialist, on speed dial. But before we cantalk about looking good, we have to talk about how the skin— your body'slargest organ— works. Here's a look at what's really going on in there.

It's Aliiive! Your Skin Is Living and Breathing

Just as your digestive system takes in food, processes nutrients, and gets ridof waste, your skin takes in nutrients from the blood, produces by- products(such as oil and dead skin cells), and sends what it doesn't need back into thebloodstream. For this reason we say it has its own metabolism, and how itfunctions is directly related to the fuel it receives (i.e., the food you eat).

Your skin is also what we call a microbiome; it's teeming with microorganisms,most of which are invisible to the naked eye. Even when you thinkyou're clean (like right after a long, hot shower), you still have bacteria, fungus,yeast, and parasites living on and in your skin (gross, but true). They'resupposed to be there, of course, and normally they all live in harmony, butwhen that delicate balance gets disturbed (by hormone fl uctuations orchanges in your diet, for example), one component overgrows, and your skinreacts. Rosacea, acne, and many rashes are caused, at least in part, by bacterialovergrowth or imbalance.

The Feed Your Face Philosophy

Hey, Dr. Wu

Q: So, how many skin-care products do I really need?

A: Two to three products— tops—should do the trick: a cleanser,sunscreen (typically in the form of a moisturizer with SPF), and atreatment of some kind in the evening, depending on your particularneeds.

Over the years I've come to realize that skin care basicsoften confuse people the most. In fact, the majority ofquestions I receive from my online newsletter are aboutthe simple stuff, such as the proper way to wash one'sface or what to look for in a moisturizer. That's why I'll be sharingtips and tricks, as well as specifi c product recommendations, along the way.

Is It Hot in Here? Your Skin Controls Your Core Temperature

The skin maintains your core temperature of 98.6°F by controlling theamount of water that evaporates from your body. The evaporation of waterfrom the skin is what cools you down. If it's very cold outside, you won'tsweat as much because your body is conserving heat. On the flip side, if it'sreally warm outside, your body increases perspiration (obviously); as the waterevaporates from your skin, you cool off. That's why people who live in dryheat don't feel as uncomfortable as people who live in more humid parts ofthe country. It could be 110 degrees outside, but if you're in, say, Arizona, thesweat on your skin will evaporate quickly because the air is dry. On the otherhand, if you're in south Florida, it might be only 85 degrees, but there's alreadyso much water in the air that the sweat evaporates much more slowly.It's like being in a steam shower— sticky and uncomfortable.

Were you to lose large areas of your skin— in a fire, for example— you'dalso lose your ability to regulate your internal temperature. That's why burnvictims have to be wrapped from head to toe and kept in warm beds. There'sa huge risk of developing hypothermia when you can't prevent water loss or hold in heat. That is also why a serious sunburn (as in second degree orworse, when the skin blisters and peels off) can make you shiver and shake.

The Feed Your Face Philosophy

Skin Enemy #1: Inflammation

Your skin is an important part of the immune system— it isthe fi rst line of defense against outside "intruders" such asbacteria, allergens, and foreign objects (like dirt or splinters).When the skin is breached by one of those unwelcomeguests, your body sends a rush of investigativeimmune cells to the affected area, triggering inflammationin the form of redness, heat, and swelling. That is whyyour eyes will puff up during allergy season, why you'll spike afever if you have an infection. Typically, your body's natural immuneresponse is temporary. Once you've recovered from any trauma, infection,or allergy, the associated redness and swelling will subside. For somepeople with imbalanced immune systems, however, that infl ammation neverreally dies down; and the longer their body stays inflamed, the worse it is fortheir health.

Recently, chronic inflammation has become a hot topic in the medicalworld as more and more studies suggest that it's a root cause of conditionsranging from heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer's to osteoporosis andother diseases associated with aging. Doctors now think that cardiovasculardisease, for example, is caused in part by inflammation of the arteries, notjust an accumulation of plaque. Long- term inflammation can damagehealthy tissue, including your arteries (leading to atherosclerosis, or hardeningof the arteries) and your joints (causing arthritis).

Inflammation is also a hallmark of skin conditions such as acne, eczema,psoriasis, rashes, and even sunburn. And while you might be tempted to thinkof acne as a form of infection (due to the pus), it is really your body's inflammatoryresponse that produces redness, swelling, and whiteheads. In fact, a numberof the antibiotics we use to treat acne are prescribed not for their ability tokill bacteria (the dosage is too low) but to reduce inflammation.Learning how to manage and prevent infl ammation is important foryour overall health and is essential for maintaining the health of your skin.And one of the most eff ective tools in regulating and preventing infl ammationis— you guessed it— eating the right foods. Altering your diet can helpmodulate the eff ects of infl ammatory conditions such as eczema and acne aswell as help slow the signs of aging. Keep reading. I'll show you how.

The Feed Your Face Philosophy

Your Skin Is the Body's Main Source of Vitamin DBack in the early 1900s a childhood disease called rickets, which leads tosoftening of the bones and skeletal deformations, was a growing nationalproblem. Hundreds of thousands of children, particularly in the industrializedcities of the Northeast, suffered from bowed legs and weak, crumblingteeth. It wasn't until the 1930s, when the government started fortifying milkwith vitamin D, that rickets all but disappeared.

Vitamin D is extremely important not only in preventing rickets in children(and osteoporosis in adults) but for bone health in general (it helps yourbody absorb calcium from the GI tract) as well as muscle function and reductionof infl ammation. Studies show that vitamin D may even help preventboth breast and skin cancer; however, there are only a few ways to getvitamin D in the body. Some foods (including milk, egg yolks, salmon, andtuna) and nutritional supplements are two ways, but the largest source by farcomes from a chemical reaction that begins the minute we walk outside.

Our skin naturally contains something called 7- dehydrocholesterol.When exposed to UVB rays from the sun, this organic molecule magicallybecomes— drum roll, please— vitamin D. Here is where things get complicated:A small but vocal group of doctors are convinced that vitamin D deficiency is fast becoming a public health epidemic again. (Indeed, some studieshave shown that rickets, once considered a thing of the past, is on the rise.)One possible cause? A lack of direct sun exposure. Th e idea is that once weall got hip to the dangers of UV light (burning, premature aging, age spots,and skin cancer, to name a few), we stopped getting enough sun to produceadequate levels of vitamin D. Th at's a pretty controversial notion.

Before you slather on the baby oil, you should know that studies haveshown that regular use of sunscreen does not signifi cantly interfere with yourbody's ability to produce vitamin D. Th ere is also no consensus as to whatconstitutes an adequate level of vitamin D, and the ideal amount may be differentfor diff erent people. If you're concerned about getting enough, talk toyour doctor about taking a supplement. But please, don't sit in the sun unprotected.Also, skip the tanning beds altogether, which emit mostly UVArays anyway. (Remember, it's UVB rays that produce vitamin D.)

The Feed Your Face Philosophy

Skin Enemy #2: UV Radiation

We all know that too much sun can make your skin looklike a vintage leather handbag or, worse, like Magda, thescary lady from the Ben Stiller/Cameron Diaz hit There'sSomething About Mary. But UV damage is more thanjust aesthetic. Th e sun's rays penetrate deep into theskin— all the way down to your DNA. Recent researchshows that UV radiation can temporarily alter the functionof white blood cells, meaning that even mild sunburnscan suppress the immune functions of the skin. And if you'vehad sunburns in the past (who hasn't?), you're already at greaterrisk of developing melanoma, the deadliest type of skin cancer. Th at's whyboth the American Academy of Dermatology and the American MedicalAssociation recommend staying out of the sun between 11 AM and 2 PM aswell as wearing sunscreen and protective clothing when you're outdoors. Itis also why most dermatologists equate sunbathing with devil worship. ButI'll let you in on a little secret: I like being tan. Having some color makes mefeel taller, thinner, healthier, and more beautiful. UV light can even guardagainst seasonal affective disorder (SAD), better known as the winterblues.

Th at is why I'm not going to tell you to stay indoors during the day or towear long sleeves in the summer. In my experience the less realistic the advice,the less likely you are to follow it. For example, when my osteopathtold me the only answer to chronic hip pain was to ditch my high heels forflats, I told her to forget it. There's no way I'm giving up my four-inch platforms.(Besides, my husband is 6'2", and I want to be able to look him inthe eye!)

The thing is, you don't have to wear a burka to be safe in the sun. Certainfoods— green tea and tomatoes in particular— have been shown to boostyour skin's ability to fi ght UV rays and sunburn, so incorporating them intoyour diet, especially before you hit the beach or spend an afternoon on thetennis courts, can improve the protection you'll get from sunscreen alone.For much more info on sun damage, UV- fi ghting foods, and even fake tanningtips, turn to Chapter 6.

The Feed Your Face Philosophy

Your Hair and Nails Are Part of the Skin

You may not have realized it, but your hair and nails are part of the skin, soproblems ranging from dandruff to hair loss to ingrown nails should betreated by a dermatologist. More often than not, women will seek the adviceof a stylist when they notice thinning hair (and end up spending a fortuneon products like Kérastase, an uber-expensive professional-grade productline). Or, when they notice thickened or splitting nails, they'll head directlyto a nail salon. (A manicurist might be great with acrylics, but could unknowinglyfi le down the fungus and spread it to other clients. Gross.)

Just as your diet can affect the appearance and health of the skin, whatyou eat can aff ect the health of your hair and the look of your manicure.There's more: If your body is deprived of certain nutrients (as a result of, say,crash dieting), it bypasses "nonessential" functions such as making hair andnails and directs what nutrients it does receive to more important organs,like your heart and brain. That is why it's so important to feed your body theright kinds of foods— unless, of course, you want to look like Mr. Clean.(Get it? He's bald!)

Your Skin Is a Reflection of Yourself

Perhaps the most important function of the skin is also the easiest to understand.I mean, hell-o! The skin is your body's largest organ. It's what yourman touches when he caresses your leg or kisses your neck. It's the first (andsometimes only) thing we see when we look in the mirror.Waking up with clear, smooth skin is like having a good hair day: It canmake you feel confident and sexy. But wrinkles, blemishes, and sun spotscan have the opposite effect: They can sabotage your self-esteem. That's whymy role as a dermatologist is not unlike being a therapist. Many of my patientscome in down on themselves, depressed about how they look. Whetherit's the teenager with acne who is slumped and slouched and has her hair inher eyes or the woman with sun damage who is too embarrassed to wear astrapless dress because of the blotches on her chest, my message has alwaysbeen the same: You don't have to live with skin you don't like.

The Feed Your Face Philosophy


Patient: Anna Liza

Skin Concern: Mild to severe acne

Food Sensitivity: Dairy

In Anna Liza's Words: As a busy financial executive I spend alot of time in airports as well as entertaining clientsacross the country. While I usually experience mildbreakouts associated with my menstrual cycle, myacne always gets worse when I travel. I also hadbeen suffering from chronic pain in my lower abdomenfor fi e long years. I had seen three differentspecialists, each of whom ordered a batteryof tests, but none could pinpoint the problem.When Dr. Wu first gave me the Feed YourFace Diet— and told me to avoid dairy products—I balked. My husband is French, and we both enjoy wine and cheese. Still, Ifigured it was worth a try. Ten days later my skin was definitely calmer, and I'dhad no new breakouts. One month later my skin was smooth and clear, and thepainful cysts were gone completely. But what really surprised me was that myabdominal pain was gone, too. I had never put two and two together, neverguessed that my unexplained stomach pains had anything to do with my skin!I still travel a lot, and when I'm busy wining and dining colleagues or clients,it's always tempting to have what everyone else is having. But now thatI know dairy aggravates my acne (not to mention my stomach), I don't mindskipping the cheese course or passing on creamy desserts. For me that's asmall price to pay for clear skin.

Dr. Wu's Diagnosis: I wasn't at all surprised when Anna Liza told me that herbreakouts worsened after traveling. From the stress of running to catch aconnecting flight to the recirculated (and germ- filled) air in a crowded cabinand the subpar food, it's not at all unusual to experience skin flare- ups of allkinds, from acne to eczema, when you spend a lot of time on the go. Nor wasI surprised when her skin cleared after eliminating dairy from her diet. Dairyproducts often aggravate acne in women of all ages. It's my stance that we alleat too much dairy anyway, even those of us who don't have acne. More onthat in Chapter 3.

The Feed Your Face Philosophy

Putting It All Together: The Skinny on Your Skin

By now you realize that your skin is more than just something to put makeupon. And that's great, because understanding how skin functions is an importantstep in learning to care for it. Let's wrap up this chapter with a quickrundown of your skin's basic anatomy. For starters, you may think of yourskin as having a single layer, but it's actually made of three layers, each containingseveral different types of cells:

LAYER ONE: The Epidermis

Th e outermost layer of the skin is called the epidermis. (You can think of itas the peel of an orange.) It, too, is divided into multiple layers.The bottom part of the epidermis is called the basal layer, and it consistsof two types of cells: melanocytes, which give your skin its pigment (they'rewhat determine if you're fair like Nicole Kidman or mahogany like NaomiCampbell) and keratinocytes, which are actively growing and rapidly dividingcells that make keratin.

Unlike your heart, brain, and other organs, your skin is constantly renewingitself. As the active living skin cells in the basal layer of the epidermis divideand multiply, the older cells get more and more crowded. They start looking forroom to spread out, moving closer and closer to the skin's surface in the process.Along the way they're busy making keratin, a tough- as- nails protein thatprotects the outermost layers of the skin. But this must be exhausting work,because before those busy, crowded cells ever make it to the surface, they die.

The Feed Your Face Philosophy

That top layer of dead skin cells, which is what you touch when you touch yourskin, is called the stratum corneum, and it's the thickest in accident-prone areasof the body, such as the knees, elbows, and soles of the feet. Because dead skincells contain little to no water, this top layer is prone to drying out, chapping,and even cracking, particularly in the winter months (which is why your heelsmay crack and your elbows and knees can look ashy).

As more and more new cells rise to the top of the epidermis, they pushoff the older dead cells. Th is is your body's natural way of exfoliating. Supportingthis process (by using a body scrub or a pumice stone as well as byeating foods that fuel keratin production) will encourage new cells to comein, keeping your skin looking pink and rosy as opposed to dry and crusty.

Did You Know . . .

There are no blood vessels in the epidermis, so the activeliving cells (the keratinocytes) depend on oxygenand nutrients diffusing up from the blood vessels locatedin the deeper layers of the skin below. Cigarettesmoking and some medications constrict these blood vessels,however, allowing less oxygen and fewer nutrients to fl owup to the epidermis. The result is skin that looks pale and sallow.

LAYER TWO: The Dermis

The second layer of your skin (which you can think of as the white part of anorange rind, the stuff between the peel and the fleshy meat) is called thedermis, and it contains connective tissue— collagen, elastic tissue, and hyaluronicacid— that gives the skin support and structure.


Collagen functions like the beams in your house or the boning in a couturegown: It gives your skin its support. There are more than twenty types ofcollagen in multiple organs throughout the body, but the vast majority ofcollagen in our skin is Type I, which is the strongest. In fact, gram for gram,Type I collagen is stronger than steel.

The Feed Your Face Philosophy

We're all born with plenty of collagen, and at fi rst our skin cells are busypumping out more and more of it (which is why children have firm, resilientskin). As time goes by, however, collagen production slows, so our skin getsthinner, less resilient, and more likely to wrinkle. Eating the right collagenboostingfoods can help fight this pro cess and keep your skin looking youngerand smoother.

Don't Fall for It: COLLAGEN CREAMS

Creams that promise to fill fine lines and wrinkles with collagen arepretty much bogus because the collagen molecule is too large toactually penetrate the skin; instead, it just sits on the surface.(That's why injectable fillers such as Restylane and Juvédermwere created.) Collagen creams can make decentmoisturizers, and that's good (dry skin can make fine linesmore pronounced), but they won't get rid of your wrinkles.

Elastic Tissue

Pinch a piece of your skin. It snaps back in place when you let go, right?That's your elastic tissue at work. Made of a protein called elastin, elastic tissueis what keeps your skin flexible and allows it to hold its shape. As we age,elastic fibers begin to break apart, so your skin gradually loses its bouncebackability. This is why smile lines slowly become deep creases that stay puteven when you stop smiling. Over time you might notice that sleep creasestake longer to go away, too (because, apparently, your face can freeze likethat). Prolonged sun exposure can also damage elastic fibers, which is whysun-damaged skin sags prematurely. And if the skin stretches too fast (suchas during pregnancy or a growth spurt), the elastic fibers snap— not unlikewhat happens when you pull too hard on a rubber band. That's when youwind up with stretch marks. You can help prevent snapping and sagging,however, by choosing foods that will supply your body with the buildingblocks of strong elastic tissue.

The Feed Your Face Philosophy

Our skin's connective tissue (i.e., our collagen and elastin) is also partlyresponsible for the appearance of cellulite, the cottage- cheese- like dimplingthat you might notice on your upper thighs and derriere. That's becausecollagen and elastin fibers sit perpendicular to the dermis. When fat expands(when you gain weight), it causes those fibers to tug on the underside of theskin, creating dimples. Women are more prone to developing cellulite thanmen because male connective tissue is assembled in a crisscross pattern, at a45- degree angle to the dermis (so any dimpling appears less pronounced).Women also tend to have a thicker fat layer than men, which is more likelyto bulge through the connective tissue (lucky us). Circulation problems mayalso contribute to cellulite in a woman's legs, hips, butt, and belly.


Many of my more famous patients indulge in anticellulite Endermologietreatments (which incorporate suction and massage tosmooth the skin) before they have to fi lm a bikini scene or walk the redcarpet in a slinky gown. (Imagine having two rolling pins that are connectedto a vacuum hose rolled over your hips and thighs for forty- fiveminutes, and you'll get the picture.)

In the, ahem, interest of science, I decided to try Endermologie myself.(Did I mention this involves wearing a skintight head- to- toe bodysuit?)Although my skin did feel a bit smoother afterward, I can't be surehow much the treatments actually helped because once I knew thatsome stranger was going to be working on my thighs, I really startedwatching what I ate in between appointments. There is some evidencethat it works, though— at least temporarily. A recent study showed thatwomen who received the treatment twice a week for fifteen sessions lostinches, but the results are best immediately following the procedure.This may reflect a temporary improvement in circulation or a swelling ofthe skin (which would make lumps less obvious) rather than a real "loss"of cellulite.

You can produce a similar effect by doing your own vigorous massageat home in the shower (without the humiliation of the unitard). Try TheBody Shop's Cellulite Massager to improve circulation and smooth yourskin. Then towel off and apply a cellulite cream such as Bliss's fatgirlslim orRéVive's Cellulite Erasure. Both contain caffeine, which has been shown tobreak down fat cells.

The Feed Your Face Philosophy

Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid is a natural sugar that binds water molecules together tokeep your skin plump and hydrated. It is also the "jelly" in your eyeball aswell as a lubricant in your joints. The popular wrinkle fillers Juvéderm andRestylane use synthetic hyaluronic acid as an active ingredient.Aside from connective tissue and hyaluronic acid, the dermis is alsowhere you'll find the sebaceous glands (or oil glands)— concentratedprimarily on your face, chest, back, and scalp— that secrete sebum (oil), yourbody's natural moisturizer. Sebum is what keeps your skin soft, supple, andwaterproof. (After all, you won't melt if you walk in the rain or take a dip inthe ocean, right?) Too much oil, however, can make your skin shiny andyour makeup smear.

There are a number of reasons for why the sebaceous glands might gointo overdrive, including stress, hormonal fluctuations associated withpuberty and your menstrual cycle, and even certain foods. Overactiveglands pump out lots and lots of oil, causing the pores to enlarge (which iswhy people with oily skin tend to have bigger pores). Excess oil on thescalp can make your hair feel greasy as well as predispose you to yeastovergrowth and dandruff . But choose the right foods, and you can modulateyour skin's sebum production and control such conditions as acne anddandruff.

Did You Know . . .

When you get inked, tattoo pigment is injected past thetop layers of the skin and deep into the dermis. Sincethis part of the skin is constantly being patrolled for "invaders,"and tattoo ink is technically a foreign substance(biologically speaking, it's not really supposed to be there),immune cells called macrophages attempt to gobble it upand digest it. That's why tattoos fade over time.

The Feed Your Face Philosophy

Skin Enemy #3: Free Radicals

You've heard about them before in countless skin-care adsand magazine articles, but what the hell are free radicalsand why should we care about them?Without getting too technical (for those of you whoaren't science nerds), free radicals are atoms or moleculeswith an unpaired electron in their outermostshell. Th is makes them highly unstable and prone toundergo spontaneous chemical reactions in the hope of"stealing" an extra electron from a neighboring molecule.

Let's try an analogy: A free radical is not unlike a car with three wheels—you need the fourth to drive in a straight line and to stop you from wobblingand veering off course. But if you steal a tire from someone else's car, nowthey're left with an unstable ride. Likewise, when a free radical steals an electronfrom, say, a collagen or DNA molecule, those cells no longer function asintended, and that can have serious consequences. For example, it's believedthat some forms of cancer are caused by chemical reactions between freeradicals and DNA. According to the "free radical theory of aging," longtermfree radical damage is the cause of most age- related diseases, includingarthritis, Alzheimer's, and atherosclerosis. And in the skin, free radical damagecauses a breakdown of collagen and elastin, leading to wrinkles, sagging,and discoloration. Put simply, free radicals are the reason that our bodiesstart to break down over time.

Free radicals exist all around us— they're even natural by- products of thebody's metabolism, the network of chemical reactions that keeps us alive.But they're also found in abundance in pollution, toxins, pesticides, andcigarette smoke. In addition, they are produced when UV rays interact withthe skin. Typically, your body can neutralize most free radical damage on itsown, but if you're bombarded by such factors as UV light, pollution, andsecondhand smoke, you'll overwhelm that innate ability. The net result is abreakdown of healthy cells and a face that looks old and tired.

The Feed Your Face Philosophy

LAYER THREE: Subcutaneous Tissue, a.k.a. the Fat Layer

Not only are we born with beautiful skin, but we're also born with a nice,thick layer of fat right underneath it. (Continuing with the orange analogy,we're talking about the meat of the fruit now, the part you eat.) This subcutaneousfat, which looks like the thick yellow fat you might fi nd underchicken skin, provides a barrier between the dermis and your muscle tissue;it insulates the body and gives your face its contours. (It's why babies andchildren have such soft, curvy cheeks.) As we grow up, we lose some of thatfat, and our faces sort of deflate; the cheeks hollow out, and the lips flatten.So where does all this fat go? Instead of gravitating to the cleavage— wherewe could use it— it migrates down to the belly and butt. Go figure.

Hey, Dr. Wu

Q: My dermatologist says wearing makeup can causebreakouts because it clogs the pores and doesn't let yourskin "breathe." Is makeup really bad for my skin?

A: Good news, girls. Breakouts are typically caused by bacteria,hormonal fluctuations, and the foods you eat— not byLaura Mercier. In fact, some makeup can even be goodfor you. Certain cosmetics can provide SPF protection,which is great for those of us who sometimes forget toput on sunscreen. (You know who you are.) Wearingmakeup may also remind you not to touch your face asoften, cutting down on the transfer of germs from your hands.And as long as you're choosing the right makeup for your skin, it shouldn't makeyou break out. If you have oily skin, large pores, or acne- prone skin, look for awater- based makeup that is noncomedogenic. And if you're still breaking out,don't worry. In Chapter 4 you'll learn more about acne and how to fi ght it with skin- friendly foods.

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