Common and Ice Cube Bury the Hatchet With New 'Barbershop' Film

The film opens in theaters this Friday.

Common said the movie affects him on a personal level since the singer is originally from the Windy City.

After years of not getting along, Common and Ice Cube said they’ve buried the hatchet and have even released a new song together from the movie’s soundtrack titled “Real People.”

“It’s great because we’re showing that even if you’re having a problem with somebody, through time a little humbleness, you get through that,” Ice Cube said.

In addition to his third movie in the series, Ice Cube has more to celebrate since his hip hop group N.W.A was recently inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.

“It feels great to be recognized after all these years,” Ice Cube said. “Thirty years ago or 25 years ago I would’ve never thought that the music industry wanted to remember N.W.A because of how much criticism we got, how much venom we got when we first started, but for it to come full circle and for [us] to be in the Rock & Rock Hall of Fame is one of the greatest feelings.”

“Barbershop: The Next Cut” is in theaters this Friday.