'GMA' Quick Tip: Feel Better in 2011

Feel better in 2011. Matt Bean explains how.

Jan. 27, 2011 — -- Matt Bean from Men's Health magazine is here to help you feel better in 2011 with a few simple tips.

Lower Your Cholesterol

People who eat two servings of pistachios a day slashed their LDL or "bad" cholesterol an average of 13 percent.

Read the Fine Print

According to recent research, diners grossly underestimate the calorie counts in "healthy" fast foods. Look for calorie numbers to make sure you're not eating more than you think.

Hit the Gym... Hit Anything

Those who exercise for just half an hour four times a week decrease their risk of having a heart attack by 60 percent compared with those who don't exercise. Get out there and run, walk, swim or bike your way to better health!

Eat More Fish

Another great way to stay healthy this year is by eating more fish. A seafood diet that's low in sodium and rich in magnesium and taurine, two compounds that slash your risk of hypertension, will reduce your blood pressure. Plus it tastes good.

Say Hi to Your Neighbors

Adults who have strong friendships or are involved in the community live an average of four years longer than the normal U.S. life expectancy. If that's not easy, I don't know what is!

I hope you make this your best year yet!

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