Training Partner Lucy Danziger

Danziger committed to helping Juju make it to the finish line.

May 26, 2010— -- Hi, I'm Lucy Danziger, Editor-in-Chief of SELF magazine and coauthor of the best-selling book The Nine Rooms of Happiness. At SELF, we encourage our 6.7 million readers to explore and pursue their individual passions, and we give them everything they need to be their best self.

For me, the way I challenge myself is to train for and compete in triathlons, both for the health and fitness benefits and for the fun of being outside, in a beautiful place, swimming, biking and running in scenery that inspires me. (I am a terrible swimmer, but part of the fun is also learning new skills and trying to get better at something!)

I started doing triathlons about five years ago because, after running a marathon and feeling injured by overtraining, I realized it was healthier to mix things up, rather than do any one sport over and over again, which just led to getting injured-and not getting any fitter! I became hooked on the fun of rotating my workouts among biking, running and swimming. Because of the variety, I never felt worn out, exercising never felt like work and I got in the best shape of my life. I joined a team of women and men who meet in the mornings and make the whole process fun. I love the camaraderie of people from different backgrounds and ages and stages in their life. We are all good at different things, so we learn from one another and from our coach, who makes getting fitter feel like play.

As a full-time working mom and part-time author, fitting in time to exercise helps me have more energy to face the stress of the day. Plus, I feel happy when I am at my desk having already welcomed the day with a beautiful morning run or bike ride. I take care of myself now because I want to be fit and active for years to come. And it's important to me to be strong so I can help others. As the airlines say, you should put on your own oxygen mask first so you can then help those around you. When Juju told me she wanted my help in finding ways to fit triathlon training into her already busy schedule, I was so excited! It can be done. Make time for a 45-minute workout in the morning (or at lunch or after work)?

Juju can do it, and you can, too. It's about truly wanting to make it happen. I'm committed to helping Juju make it to that finish line in September with a smile on her face. And I want to help you reach your personal fitness and health goal, too. Join Team Juju and make a commitment to whatever it is you want to achieve. You may want to find a mini-triathlon in your area, or pick your own goal (lose 10 pounds! have more energy to play with your kids!) and follow along for your own fun and healthy summer. With my team of experts at SELF, I'll be providing tips throughout the summer to help you make healthy choices while having fun, no matter what goal you chose. And, as if getting into great shape is not incentive enough, we will also be tying the effort to charity, specifically Juju's cause of helping bring relief to children in Haiti.

It's truly a chance to be your best self! - Lucy Danziger

"The contents of this website are for informational purposes only and do not constitute medical advice. Undertaking a training program may involve risk of injury or physical harm, and it is your responsibility to determine which training activities are appropriate for you. Please check with your doctor."