'Desperate Housewives' Finalists Ready for Showdown

Sept. 21, 2005 — -- On Wednesday, the "Desperate Housewives Biggest Fan Challenge" finalists visited "GMA's" Times Square Studio to get the lay of the land before Thursday's trivia showdown. The victor will win a trip to Wisteria Lane on the set of "Desperate Housewives."

You can test your own "Desperate Housewives'" knowledge by taking the online trivia challenge on gma.abcnews.com tomorrow.

Donna Deshon, Denny Connors and Christine Smith were surprised with news they had been selected as finalists on Sept. 15.

Deshon, from Sandpoint, Idaho, said the TV is always on in her house, and she thinks she's a bit of all the "Desperate Housewives" characters.

"I get wacko with my kids like Lynette," said the mother of three. "I love nice things like Gabrielle, I'm a little crazy like Bree and artistic like Susan, but I'm not so clumsy."

Deshon is an artist who has shown her paintings in galleries and once owned a novelty store.

Click here to see the next finalist.

Denny Connors of Allen Park, Mich., loves Susan but confesses he is really Bree.

"I'm a type A for anal retentive," said Connors, an accountant. "When I see her (Bree) doing stuff on the show, I say that's me. I have the cleanest desk at work that anyone has ever seen. My friends point it out all the time."

The super fan called the 80 pages of notes he made cramming for the trivia challenge his dream assignment.

"Laying around all day watching all the episodes, it was the best!" he said.

Click here to see the next finalist.

Christine Smith, of Green Bay, Wis., said she loves "Desperate Housewives" because it's dark, funny and reminds her of her family. She and her seven sisters get together about once a month to dish about the show.

Smith took a quiz to determine which "Desperate Housewife" she was most like twice, and it came out different both times -- first Susan, then Edie. Her friends say Smith is both -- a good girl and a bad girl.

Smith is a self-employed hairstylist and manicurist who is raising three children on her own after her husband passed away nine years ago.