Is Luis Palau the Next Billy Graham?

Oct. 8, 2005 — -- It doesn't look like a church. It's a huge party -- a festival -- for God. And you've probably never heard of the headliner: Luis Palau.

Palau, 70, has been preaching since he was a 12-year-old in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

But for the past six years, he's been putting on these massive festivals with Christian rock bands, a kids' play land and skateboards -- all suggestions from his adult sons.

"I thought, what's skateboarding? I mean, I'm a grandpa, what do I know?" said Palau. "And then, suddenly, the crowds were there and they began to double, then triple, now 10 times what we used to have before."

Some believe that Palau, who is already known as the Billy Graham of Latin America, may take over the mantle of America's leading evangelist.

Palau and Celebrities

"Luis Palau is the best-kept secret God ever had," said actor Stephen Baldwin.

Baldwin works closely with Palau, and is the driving force behind a national tour of Christian skateboarders.

"He's just a guy who is probably more unknown -- for the reason being that he's really quite humble," Baldwin said.

Just weeks ago, the president invited Palau to speak at the national remembrance for Katrina victims.

Next Billy Graham?

Palau feels honored when people call him the next Billy Graham.

"I mean, I revere Billy Graham," he said.

In fact, Palau worked for Graham decades ago. And Graham provided the seed money that allowed Palau to expand his preaching. Palau has modeled his ministry after his mentor, with a few changes, making the festival the star.

"You have to just draw the people, and I feel music, sports, actors … Americans go for that," Palau said.

Corporate Donors

But Palau has created a bit of discussion in the Christian world. About 20 percent of the $3.5 million cost of today's festival in Washington, D.C., will be paid for by corporations.

"Having corporations sponsor the proclamation for the gospel is perhaps giving the message that one's behavior and receiving the gospel are not connected," said Scott Kisker, a professor at Wesley Theological Seminary.

Palau said he sees corporate giving as a way for him to draw more people, and a chance to convert them to Christianity.

"The outdoor trappings seem unusually happy and noisy and loud," he said, "but the message never changes."