Best of ABCNEWS May 15-30

May 28, 2004 -- Ho hum. ABC News has more exclusives from Iraq. It never really becomes run-of-the-mill. But the ABC News Investigative Unit comes up with powerful new stories so often, you could be forgiven for forgetting how much work and effort goes into getting them.

We also tackled numerous issues on raising children that proved of great interest: from choosing daycare, to helping with homework to a sex offender offering himself as a baby sitter.

Health stories were among our most e-mailed the past two weeks. You can find out whether low-carb or low-fat is the diet for you, read about surgery to restore sight (done live on Good Morning American) or a disorder known as "hoarding."

Why Bozo? Look below.

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Exclusives on the Iraq prison scandal:

"Former Abu Ghraib Intel Staffer Says Army Concealed Involvement in Abuse Scandal"

"More Photos of Iraqi Prisoner Abuse Surface." With a photo slideshow that helps tell the story but is not for the weak of heart, or stomach.

"How Can You Avoid Spoiling Your Child?"

Can your cell phone cause a gas station conflagration?

Love them Emeril appetizer recipes.

"Legally Blind Woman Sees After Surgery Performed Live on Good Morning America."

Are celebrity siblings different from typical brothers and sisters? The video may make you laugh. Or groan.

"Family Sues Daycare Center When Toddler Suffers Burns on Playground"

With a sidebar on choosing daycare that's right for you and your children.

Exclusive: "Whimsical Purchase Led to N.J. Couple Powerball Winnings."

"Professional Clowns Finally Honor TV's Original Bozo." From The Wolf Files, by our own Buck Wolf, who was cited this week for his discovery of the real originator of Bozo, and was asked to speak at a Bozo induction ceremony at the International Clown Hall of Fame.

Check out the Bozo slideshow linked from the photo, above, or in the story.

Low-carb or low-fat? "Studies Show Cutting Carbs Better."

Hands Off! How to help your children with their homework.

"Man Seeking Baby-Sitting Jobs Nabbed After Check of Sex Offender Registry."An original report.

"Thanks for hijacking my computer," writes Silicon Insider columnist Michael Malone. Check Mike's column every week for the latest from Silicon Valley and the world of 21st-Century enterprise capitalism.

On the Internet, good stories never die. And they don't even fade away. This April story, on a boy who may have been reincarnated was among our most e-mailed the past two weeks.

As was this 2001 story on people with an obsessive compulsive disorder called "hoarding."

We hope you'll enjoy these stories, find them informative, and useful. To subscribe to this e-mail, or manage your subscriptions, click here, for our e-mail center. And you can view this note online, here.