Best of ABCNEWS April 2-16

April 16, 2004 -- This time we're bringing some important investigative and exclusive material from Chief Investigative Correspondent Brian Ross and his colleagues.

On the more personal front, we have some stories on as a bunch of stories on health and weight loss.

The Peter Jennings special on Jesus and St. Paul aired and proved very successful both on the air and on our site. Take a look.

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Brian Ross investigations include:

"Former Exec: American Company Paid Terrorist Group to Protect Overseas Interests." and this exclusive with Christopher Isham of the investigative unit:

"Potential Bomb Plot Involved Deadly Chemical."

This story is important reading for anyone who wants to keep their children safe, and a method for doing so: "Girl Foils Alleged Kidnapping Attempt."

Do you remember this story

about the Wisconsin woman accused of faking her own abduction? Here's a story about a woman who explains why she faked her abduction many years earlier:"Almost 20 Years Before Wisconsin Case, Ex-Beauty Queen Faked Her Own Abduction".

This week we provided a book excerpt of The Maker's Diet: Author Says 40-Day Health Experience Will Change Your Life Forever. The author, Jordan Rubin, outlines a holistic approach to health that includes a biblically inspired diet rich in whole foods from organically grown resources.

Emeril's stuffed shrimp recipe was a big hit.

The 9/11 hearings have provided banner days for our 24/7 video news channel, ABCNEWS Live, which you can access and subscribe to via our homepage, or view this schedule. Many joined this discussion board on the hearings as well.

The new Bachelor made an appearance.

The Peter Jennings special Jesus and Paul — The Word and the Witness did well both on TV and, as did the discussion board, which is still hopping.

"Betting Brit Doubles Life Savings on One Spin."

"TheNote" continues to be very big as we continue to near elections, asking (and sometimes answering) questions like whether John Kerry is acting like Bill Clinton or Al Gore, and what the Washington press corps thought of President Bush's third prime-time news conference. ThePolitics message board is also fielding a lot of debate.

News from Iraq continues to grip, and terrify, which is perhaps why our Iraq discussion board is registering so much traffic.

And here are some of those health stories:

"Research Shows Ejaculating More Doesn't Raise Prostate Cancer Risk."

"Disturbing Revelations About Quality of Care at Some U.S. Veterans' Hospitals."

"Coffee's Health Benefits."More and more studies are suggesting that coffee offers health benefits, including a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes, Parkinson's disease, gall bladder disease and even of suicide.

"Sleep More, Weigh Less?" See this story to find out how sleeping may help you lose weight.

"New Treatments to Help You Stop Snoring."An original report.

"Ancient Cat Burial Shows That Humans and Cats Go Way Back."

Our discussion board on the drug known as ecstasy continues to rack up hits. Here's the story on which it's based.

We hope you'll enjoy these stories, find them informative, and useful. To subscribe to this e-mail, or manage your subscriptions, click here, for our e-mail center. And you can view this note online, here.