Does 'Glamour' Recipe Prompts Proposals?

Feb. 11, 2004 -- The staff at Glamour magazine is helping readers elicit wedding proposals from their boyfriends — one chicken at a time.

It all started when one of the editors at Glamour gave the recipe to her assistant, who made the chicken for her boyfriend. A month later, he popped the question, and soon the recipe for what was subsequently dubbed "Engagement Chicken" spread like wildfire through the office.

Glamour decided to publish the recipe in their January issue, and has already received four letters from readers who tried the recipe, and met with success.

"Beware the power of this recipe," wrote LaDawn Crawford, of Garden Grove, Calif. "I made Engagement Chicken for my boyfriend the Sunday before New Year's. When it was done roasting, I took it out of the oven, and promptly dropped the whole bird. My boyfriend laughed, I cried, and he proposed to me on Jan. 3 (six days later)! He didn't even EAT it and it worked! We're getting married on Nov. 12 of this year."

Another woman in New Jersey also met with success.

"We decided to have a quiet New Year's this year and I made the Engagement Chicken for dinner — with the roasted potatoes and asparagus, as you suggested," said Claire Lipnicki, of New Jersey. "Well, it's now two weeks later and we are engaged! He ended up finding the recipe, so it's now a big joke between us."

To try the recipe for yourself, go to