Get Rid of Your Cellulite

Feb. 2, 2001 -- You probably remember the first time you saw it in the mirror-- you turned around, and there it was — cellulite. Well at least 90 percent of us have it, and it's safe to say, about 90 percent of us probably want to get rid of it. Good Morning America's beauty adventurer Holly MIllea checked out a couple of treatments to see if they work.

This is an uncorrected, unedited transcript

Good dimples … bad dimples.

Heavy or thin, young or old, cellulite is an equal opportunity swimsuit nightmare. Think buttons on an old mattress. Connective tissues gone awry ... pulling down in some places and pouching up in others.

So what's a girl to do? You've seen the creams: one part hope, more than two parts cash…and repeated applications?

I want to look like Jennifer Lopez in just a few hours. Voila the cellulite sucker. Endermology is a massaging vacuum that takes a crack at smoothing out the lumps and bumps that make your butt look like Jabba the Hutt. Results are good. But you have to go back a lot for visits.

I went to Manhattan Dermatologist Dr. Steven Victor looking for a better way.

"This all those machines out there that do cellulite massage they are too gentle and plus you can't feel the fibrous bands with the machines," said Victor.

He says the answer is a deep massage. "This way you can feel the fibrous bands and feel them breakup. It's not pleasant massage. "

For $125 an hour you can get the cellulite massage. Once a week you'll have to endure being scrubbed with a vegetable brush to improve circulation.

It temporarily loosens the connective tissue that runs through your fat. But the treatment is not for wimps. It's really painful. You can even bruise from it. But the more you do it, the less painful it gets. Your circulation will improve. You can look better after just one treatment, but you have to keep up the work … results are only temporary.

To do the treatment yourself simply rub your legs with your knuckles in those places with cellulite until you can't stand it anymore. They should turn red. You also pinch, knead and roll you thighs. In the shower is the best place. You can also use a vegetable brush — if you can stand it!

Holly Millea produced this story for Good Morning America