Swanky Suburb Hates Neighbor's Swine

July 13, 2006 — -- In the pantheon of pet pigs, you'd be hard-pressed to find a more noble goodwill ambassador than Arnold Ziffel of the '60s hit TV show "Green Acres."

Such obvious pig love and goodwill is perhaps why Estelle Walgreen was shocked to find her neighbors in the posh Chicago suburb of Lake Forest, Ill., were going hog-wild with anger over her trio of pot-bellied pets.

More than 250 residents, upset about the oinks and odors they say emanate from her estate, have signed a petition to get rid of Walgreen's suburban swine.

"This is my home," says neighbor Kathleen Murphy. "I don't want to live next to a petting zoo. When I see them, they're eating. I know eventually they're excreting."

This isn't the first time the residents of Lake Forest have taken action. When "A-Team" star Mr. T went commando, chopping 100 oak trees from his estate in 1987, neighbors went ballistic, calling it the Lake Forest Chain Saw Massacre.

But fighting with neighbors isn't fun, as actor Jim Belushi will tell you. In Brentwood, Calif., things got so tense between Belushi and his neighbor, former Catwoman Julie Newmar, that they went to court.

"I'll tell you, neighbors fighting is the most emotional cost that family can go through," Belushi says.

So when it comes to the lethargic lives of Walgreen's pigs -- Pinky, Piggy and Cooper -- is all the arguing worth it?

At least one Lake Forest resident -- a young girl -- doesn't think so.

"I think that they're great," she says of the pigs. "They're always friendly, and when you pet them they don't run away from you."