Robin Roberts Responds to Viewer Comments

Dec. 4, 2006 — -- Dear GMA Viewers,

We are already overwhelmed by the reaction to our series "Secret Prejudices." Race is not an easy topic to discuss. We appreciate your willingness to express your feelings and thank you for the tough questions you have already submitted.

Many of you took exception to my brief discussion with Diane about the phrase "slaving over a hot stove." I did not say nor do I think that it is a racist remark. I sincerely apologize if you got that impression. In fact, I said I don't look at anyone differently who says it. It's simply a phrase that I don't particularly care for. That's all.

The point Diane and I were trying to make is that it's considerate to be aware of how words and phrases may mean different things to different people. Equally important is feeling comfortable to express to a friend a different point of view. No right or wrong ... just an awareness. The reason I wanted to clarify this is because I believe we have a wonderful opportunity to have an open and honest discussion about race. I would hate to do anything that takes away from this important discussion.

Thank you for your passionate and thoughtful responses! We look forward to answering as many of your questions as possible.

Respectfully yours,
