Angelina Jolie Calls Pitt a 'Great Partner'

Dec. 14, 2006 — -- Angelina Jolie's latest film, "The Good Shepherd," is a haunting story about the men who created the CIA, whose secrets corrode their lives and marriages.

Jolie plays a spirited rich girl in search of a home.

In real life, of course, her home is with actor Brad Pitt and their three children -- Maddox adopted from Cambodia, Zahara adopted from Ethiopia, and their biological daughter, 7-month-old Shiloh.

All of whom are featured in new photos in People magazine.

Each week, gossip magazines say another child is on the way for Jolie and Pitt.

Jolie told Diane Sawyer in a "Good Morning America" interview that was simply not true.

"I shouldn't have been drinking wine then last night," she said with a laugh. "No, we're not. I'm on the pill."

Jolie says that while having another biological child with Pitt is a possibility, it is more likely they would adopt another child first.

"I even think that I did make it clear that we, we would think about adopting next, which is important for me in the balance of how -- in our own family, our kids perceive it," Jolie said.

"I want Madd to know that as our family grew and we all came together, we didn't just start having children, biological children," she said.

"You know, that, that yes, we have Shiloh and it's been a wonderful experience, but we want to find another brother or sister in the world for our family."

Jolie makes it clear that she and Pitt are not just randomly putting together a "rainbow family" with children from all over the world.

"You know, now the questions are more when you have a mixed-race family, do you balance the races so there's another African person in the house for Z? So there's another Asian person in the house for Madd? Shiloh has Brad and I she can look at," Jolie said.

"You know, these are the questions we're more asking. What's best for the children as they grow? … We don't just want to have different children from different countries. That's not the point. So we're learning."

'He's a Really Great Partner'

It was Pitt and Jolie's love of children that brought them together. It didn't take long for Maddox to start calling Pitt "dad."

"When we met, I was already a mother," she said. "So I think I had kind of found my way as a mom. … And I think the reasons we came together is we agreed on the way -- I had discovered parenting -- in the way he planned to parent and that was a big part of us coming together."

She says that she and Pitt make special time for each child. And the special times can be very normal, even for these superstars.

"Really, the big special times are just like this morning, just very, just a lot of nothing together. Just sitting around coloring. We broke the coffee machine. We tried to fix it," she said. "We were playing with the kids, just trying to find somebody's bottle, change somebody's diaper that's, you know, gone leaky and just all that good stuff."

She says Pitt is a conscientious father and partner.

"He really enjoys them," Jolie said. "He woke up very, very early this morning and let me sleep in because I had this interview. … Dealing with the two girls and bottles and food, which is not easy to do, on his own, for quite a few hours this morning so I could rest. … He's just a really great partner, a great, great man."

Wonders How She Got Here

In "The Good Shepherd," Jolie's character finds herself walled off from her husband and the life she had hoped for.

Jolie admits she came close to missing out on her real life, the one she is living now.

"I would guess everybody does. Everybody looks back and thinks, 'God, if I, if … took that turn.' … I still kind of look around sometimes and wonder how I got here in many ways … with a healthy, stable home."

Jolie has said she's been "self-destructive" in the past -- she has admitted to using drugs and cutting herself. She says that she's not so itchy for freedom anymore.

"My life's a lot more peaceful than it used to be," she said. "So I'm happy to have that private time but I'm also happy to be up there with Brad and a bunch of screaming kids, and that's fun."

The "silly, self-destructive things" she used to do, she says, weren't genuinely wild.

"It was just confused and searching," Jolie said.

Now, she says, traveling the world with her family is truly wild and adventurous.

"I have to be a lot braver today than I had to when I was 20," she said.

Watch "Good Morning America" on Friday for Part 2 of Angelina Jolie's interview with Diane Sawyer, where she talks about trust, adoption, and the difference between kissing Matt Damon and Brad Pitt.