The Harlem Globetrotters Drop By GMA

The Harlem Globetrotters stopped by GMA this morning to donate coats.

Jan. 30, 2008 — -- The Harlem Globetrotters dropped by "Good Morning America" today to shoot some hoops and donate coats.

The team, with its revolving roster, has taken its basketball acrobatics and nimble tricks around the world, visiting 118 countries over the past 82 years.

With just one day left in GMA's Warm Hearts and Warm Coats Drive, the Globetrotters helped push the tally well past 100,000.

Click here to visit the Harlem Globetrotters' Web site and find out when the tour will be coming to a city near you.

Tune in tomorrow for the final day and find out just how many coats GMA and Burlington have been able to collect!