Tip of the Day: Bring the Family Together with a Holiday Movie

Bring the family together for the holidays with a movie

Nov. 22, 2010 — -- What better way to bring the family together for the holidays than by gathering around the TV for a holiday movie!

So what are the top 5 holiday movies to see?

It's a Wonderful Life

A Christmas classic for the whole family.

A Charlie Brown Christmas

The Peanuts learn about the spirit of Christmas in a movie your kids will love.

White Christmas

The Bing Crosby classic is a holiday staple.

Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer

It wouldn't be Christmas without Rudolph!

Miracle on 34th Street - Original

Not to be missed.

Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas

Frosty the Snowman

"He was made of snow, but the children know, how he came to life one day!"

Christmas in Connecticut

A journalist works to save her career in this less well-known holiday film.

A Christmas Carol

Alastair Sim is the quintessential Scrooge in this version of A Christmas Carol from 1951. T

Holiday Inn

Bing Crosby at his best.

Source: www.kaboose.com

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