Tip of the Day: Create a Scrapbook Full of Your Memories

Spice it up family photos and create a scrapbook full of all your memories.

Nov. 23, 2010 — -- You can always cherish your family moments in a photo album, but why not spice it up and create a scrapbook full of all your memories!

Online Answer: A scrapbook can show you so much more than what a photo album does. Instead of only photos, a scrapbook can contain so much more. For instance, you can put in mementos, notes, or other images to help convey a story.

Tip #1:

There should be one photo that acts as a focal point for the rest of the page. Choose a focal-point photo. If you have multiple photos to use in your layout, a great place for your focal-point photo is in the top-left hand corner.

Tip #2:

You should always mat your focal-point photo, but this is not necessary for every single photo. Be creative and do what you think looks best!

Tip #3:It's okay if you run out of adhesive for your ribbon. Use something in your home like hot glue or tape.

Tip #4:Use even more things in your home to perfect your scrapbook. Try using old credit cards or phone cards to spread glue over a large surface. Dab a bit of glue on the surface and then use the cards to spread it out – this helps to keep an even layer AND save excess glue in the process. Plus, you can re-use the cards just by wiping them clean.

Tip #5:Make the background stand-out and enhance your scrapbook. You can use even use last year's holiday wrapping paper. Use a round object like a glass or vase to cut the paper into a large curved shape. Then, attach this to your cardstock for a visually-appealing page.

Tip #6:There are also a lot of designs that you can add to your background to make it more vibrant. Use the same old wrapping paper and punch out whatever shapes you like. Then, dress them up around the page.

Tip #7:Make your focal-point photo stand out by wrapping ribbons around it.

Tip #8:Create an interesting border around one page. One way to do this is to punch holes along the outside of the page and put a strip of ribbon through the holes.

Tip #9:A lot of people like to create a stitched-look in the scrapbook but sometimes it can be easier said than done. One easy solution is to use a fine-tip pen and draw the dashes yourself! It's a nice homemade touch that saves plenty of time.

Tip #10:If there is a story you'd like to explain in detail and you don't have enough room to include it, one easy trick is to glue an envelope onto your layout. This way, you can fold and tuck in any additional details you want to include. Plus, it makes it fun for others to read through everything. Also, feel free to customize your envelope so it relates to the story you're telling.

Source: Scrapbookscrapbook.com

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