Tip of the Day: Are Your Pants Hemmed Correctly?

Read this tip to find out more on hemming your pants correctly

Jan. 17, 2010 — -- The hem length of your pants depends on the type of pants or shoes you're wearing! See below for where your hem length should be for each type of style, according to a garment industry expert.

Dress slacks:

1. The back of the pants should be 1/2 inch from the floor while the wearer is in his/her dress shoes.

2. If the shoes are not available, the pants should touch the floor while the wearer is in his/her stocking feet.


Wide leg jeans:

Jeans should be hemmed 1/4 to 1/2 inch from the floor, parallel to the floor.

Narrow leg jeans:

Hem should be to the top of our shoe heel parallel to the floor.

CLICK HERE for more on how to properly hem your pants.

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