3 Tips for Healthier Bones

Excercise, vitamin D, and calcium help strengthen bones.

June 27, 2011 -- There are 3 Factors that Can Help Improve Bone Strength


Vitamin D



Exercising consistently can lead to increased bone strength and delay bone loss

For optimal bone health, starting to exercise at a young age is optimal. However, if you haven't started to exercise regularly, it's never too late to start and benefit from exercise

Strength training will strengthen bones in your arms and upper spine

Weight-bearing exercises will benefit bones in your legs, hip, and lower spine

Vitamin D

600-800 international units of vitamin D is recommended for adults each day

A good source of Vitamin D is direct sunlight. However, Vitamin D from sunlight may not be sufficient for those who spend a lot of time indoors during the day or those living at a high latitude

Oily fish and egg yolks are also great sources of Vitamin D

Just like calcium, you can get a healthy amount of vitamin D from Vitamin D supplements or Calcium Supplements with additional Vitamin D


The recommended amount of calcium for those 19-50 is 1000 milligrams/ day

The recommended amount of calcium for those 51 and over is 1200 milligrams/ day

Dairy products aren't the only way to get calcium

Broccoli, almonds, spinach and soy products are just a few of the often overlooked sources of calcium

Calcium supplements can also help provide the necessary amount of daily calcium

Are you getting enough calcium? According to The National Institute of Health, the daily recommended dietary amounts of calcium include:

Age, Male, Female, Pregnant, Lactating

14-18 years: Male, 1,300 mg; Female, 1,300 mg; Pregnant, 1,300 mg; Lactating, 1,300 mg

19-50 years: Male 1,000 mg; Female, 1,000 mg; Pregnant, 1,000 mg; Lactating, 1,000 mg

51-70 years: Male, 1,000 mg; Female, 1,200 mg

71+ years: Male, 1,200 mg; Female, 1,200 mg

Source: mayoclinic.com; ods.od.nih.gov