Top 9 Thanksgiving Turkey Cakes Gone Wrong

These Thanksgiving disasters deserve a little laugh.

Nov. 15, 2011 — -- intro: Each year, as Thanksgiving rolls around, we wait in anticipation of some of the most, umm, interesting cakes we've ever seen. Whether you've seen some of these on your Thanksgiving table, or you're new to the turkey cake tradition, we've gathered up the most disturbing ones from Jen Yates of

For more great turkey cakes or holiday cakes gone terribly wrong, check out Jen Yates' new book, Wreck the Halls: Cake Wrecks Gets "Festive".

quicklist:1category: title: Realistic Approachurl: text: Sometimes realism isn't the best idea for cakes. Is that a flower between two zucchini?media: 14955303 related:

quicklist: 2category: title: Brownie Cakeurl: text: While this brownie has a catchy phrase, I'm not sure I'm that 14955313 related:

quicklist:3category: title: Hippie Turkeyurl: text: This '60s-inspired turkey has a tie-dyed robe, and the face of a 14955325 related:

quicklist: 4category: title: Slow-Moverurl: text: With only four feathers, I don't think this guy is going 14955335 related:

quicklist:5category: title: Icingaholicsurl: text: Some people just get carried away. Please put down the 14955370 related:

quicklist: 6category: title: Turkey Tortoiseurl: text: The inspiration? The sun setting behind a 14955393 related:

quicklist:7category: title: Poorly Assembled url: text: This guy needs to find a new 14955405 related:

quicklist: 8category: title: Time to Reviewurl: text: A four-legged turkey? I don't think I've been paying enough attention to Thanksgiving 14955429 related:

quicklist:9category: title: Modern Arturl: text: Everyone is entitled to creative 14955447 related: