When Should I Introduce Solid Foods Into The Diet Of A Baby Who Is At 'High-Risk' For An Allergy?

Dr. Daines answers the question: 'Solid Food Intro For Allergy-Prone Baby?'

— -- Question: When should I introduce solid foods into the diet of a baby who is at "high-risk" (parent or sibling with allergy) for allergy?

Answer: Introducing solids in a child less than four months of age does put them at higher risk for developing food allergies. In general, it's best to avoid introducing solids until about six months of age in children, especially if they're at risk for allergies. It's also important to avoid introducing the very allergenic foods until later on in life, particularly milk, which shouldn't be introduced until after a year of age, eggs, which shouldn't be introduced after two years of age, and peanuts and tree nuts, which shouldn't be introduced until after three years of age.

Next: When My Child Eats Citrus Fruits Or Tomato, He/She Gets A Red, Non-Raised Rash Around The Mouth. Is He Allergic?

Previous: Are Soy Oil And Soy Lecithin Safe For My Soy-Allergic Child?