What Can I Do To Relieve My Knee Pain?

Dr. Benoy Benny answers the question: 'What Can I Do For My Knee Pain?'

— -- Question: What Can I Do To Relieve My Knee Pain?

Answer: There's many different things that you can do for knee pain. I think one of the first things that you have to find out is, what is the cause of the knee pain?

If the pain is actually coming from inflammation, then you can use medications such as anti-inflammatories. If the knee pain is coming from laxity or weakness in the muscles around the knee, then you can work on strengthening the muscles around them. If the knee pain is coming from osteoarthritis, or some other type of arthritis, then again you can start off with medications.

And depending on the severity of the pain, you can use other things such as steroid injections. You can use other things such as Hyalgan or some of the other hyaluronate type injections.

And then finally, if those still don't work, you can consider surgery.

Next: How Do I Know That I Need A Knee Replacement?

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