What Can I Do To Relieve My Hip Pain?

Dr. Benoy Benny answers the question: 'What Can I Do For My Hip Pain?'

— -- Question: What Can I Do To Relieve My Hip Pain?

Answer: Hip pain can be treated from the most conservative approach up to the most aggressive approach.

What usually we will start off with is medications such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories and some physical therapy to see whether that will help with the hip pain. Other stronger medications can be used such as different types of narcotics to see whether that helps with the hip pain.

Other things that can be considered include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories or steroid injections directly into the hip. If those continue to fail then you can consider talking about, with your doctor, the possibility of having a hip replacement.

Next: How Do I Know That I Need A Hip Replacement?

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