How Shy Are You?

Find out by completing a questionnaire used by the Shyness Research Institute.

Aug. 24, 2007— -- Are you just a little standoffish? Charmingly reserved? Or could your behaviors qualify you as seriously shy?

If you're curious to find out, take out your paper and pencils. The quiz below is adapted from the same questionnaire used by Bernard Carducci at the Shyness Research Institute.

Question 1:

How often do you experience feelings of shyness?

Once a month or less -- 1 point

Nearly every other day -- 2 points

Constantly, several times a day -- 3 points

Question 2:

Compared with your peers, how shy are you?

Much less shy -- 1 point

About as shy -- 2 points

Much more shy -- 3 points

Question 3:

"Shyness makes me feel symptoms such as a racing heart and sweaty palms."This description is ...

Not like me -- 1 point

Somewhat like me -- 2 points

A lot like me -- 3 points

Question 4:

"Shyness makes me think others are reacting negatively to what I do and say." Thisdescription is ...

Not like me -- 1 point

Somewhat like me -- 2 points

A lot like me -- 3 points

Question 5:

"Shyness keeps me from behaving appropriately in social settings -- for example, introducing myself or making conversation." This description is...

Not like me -- 1 point

Somewhat like me -- 2 points

A lot like me -- 3 points

Question 6:

"Shyness appears when I'm interacting with someone to whom I'm attracted. This description is ...

Not like me -- 1 point

Somewhat like me -- 2 points

A lot like me -- 3 points

Question 7:

"Shyness appears when I'm interacting with someone in a position of authority (e.g., supervisors at work, professors, experts in their field)." This description is ...

Not like me -- 1 point

Somewhat like me -- 2 points

A lot like me -- 3 points

That's it! Check the next page to find out what your score means.

Scoring the Shyness Quiz

Add together the numbers that correspond to your responses to each of the seven items in the Shyness Quiz.

7-11: Not at all to slightly shy: Shyness does not seem to be much of a problem for you. Congratulations!

12-16: Moderately shy: Shyness seems to be a frequent barrier in your life.

17-21: Very shy: Shyness is preventing you from reaching your full potential in life.

Tell Us More About Your Shyness

To participate in professor Carducci's ongoing research on shyness, tell us more about your shyness. Feel free to use additional sheets to answer these items:

Describe what factors you believe have contributed to your shyness.

Describe how your shyness is expressed.

Describe what problems your shyness has created for you in your personal, social, and/or professional life.

Describe what you have tried to do to overcome your shyness.

What about your shyness would you like to know more about?

What else would you like to say about your shyness?

For research purposes, please include the following information:

Your age:

Date of Birth:

Your occupation:

Ethnic identification:


Marital Status:


E-mail your answers to the Shyness Quiz and extended responses to Professor Carducci at: