Health Tip: Bringing Baby Home

Oct. 14 -- (HealthDay News) -- Once you leave the hospital with your newborn, you and your partner are on your own.

The Nemours Foundation offers these suggestions before you begin the trip home:

  • Pack personal clothing that's comfortable. You may now be too small for most maternity wear, but you probably won't be back to your pre-pregnancy size, either.
  • If the weather is warm, you don't have to bundle baby in a heavy outfit and hat. In other words, dress baby for what's weather appropriate, and make sure your newborn is comfortable.
  • Keep baby's clothing simple. Avoid fancy outfits with lots of buttons, ties and zippers.
  • Make sure baby's first post-hospital appointment with a pediatrician is scheduled.
  • Make sure the hospital staff has answered all of your questions and concerns. Before you leave for home, you should know how to perform infant CPR, safely give baby a bath and, if necessary, breast feed.