Health Tip: Why Don't You Exercise?

Oct. 13 -- (HealthDay News) -- People always have excuses for why they don't exercise. But the American Diabetes Association says for every typical excuse not to get active, there's a solution:

  • Think you don't have time? Start out exercising about 10 minutes per day. Before you know it, you'll want to increase the time spent working out.
  • If you're too tired after a long work day, exercise in the morning before work, or during your lunch break.
  • Don't use clothing as an excuse; you don't need a workout outfit. Just choose clothing that's comfortable and footwear that fits well.
  • You don't have to exercise with others if you're shy; take a walk by yourself, or watch an exercise class on TV or DVD.
  • Don't fear being sore. Take it slowly and make sure you stretch, warm up and cool down.
  • Exercise indoors -- at a mall or shopping center -- if bad or extreme weather is keeping you from staying active.
  • Avoid boredom with exercises that you find fun and look forward to doing. Mix up your routine with different exercises.
  • Money is no excuse, either. Go for a run or a walk, or use canned goods as weights.