Health Highlights: Oct. 10, 2008

Oct. 11 -- Here are some of the latest health and medical news developments, compiled by editors of HealthDay:

Pregnancy Doesn't Cause Memory Problems

There's no evidence to suggest that pregnancy affects a woman's cognitive abilities, says an Australian study that challenges the widespread belief that pregnant women suffer memory problems.

The Australian National University study included 2,500 women aged 20 to 24 when they were first interviewed in 1999. The 76 women who were pregnant in follow-up sessions in 2003 and 2007 scored the same on logic and memory tests as they did in the initial interview, Agence France-Presse reported.

In addition, there were no differences between the pregnant women and the other women.

"It really leaves the question open as to why (pregnant) women think they have poor memories when the best evidence we have is that they don't," study leader Professor Helen Christensen told AFP.

She suggested that normal lapses in memory may be blamed on pregnancy, because that's what's foremost in expectant mothers' minds.


House Repossession Major Threat to Mental Health

House repossession poses the biggest threat to people's mental health, even more than losing a job or receiving a diagnosis of infertility, according to a U.K. survey released Friday to mark World Mental Health Day.

The survey of about 2,000 people, conducted for the mental health charity Rethink, found that 46 percent of respondents rated house possession as the event that would most damage their mental health.

Rethink officials said the findings show that the current economic downturn could pose a significant threat to mental health and called for action to prevent "a mental health disaster," BBC News reported.

"I wouldn't be surprised if we see a rise in the number of people going to their doctor because of mental health problems in the coming months," said Paul Corry, Rethink's director of public affairs.

"Even for people lucky enough to hang on to their home, the stress and worry of arrears building up can be enough to harm your mental health -- this survey shows it worries millions of us," Corry told BBC News.


Dalai Lama Recovering After Gallstone Surgery

Tibet's spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, is recovering well after surgery Friday to remove gallstones. The operation was performed at a hospital in New Delhi, India.

The Dalai Lama, 73, is expected to remain in the hospital for a few days and will likely be back at work by the end of October, his spokesman said Friday, CBC News reported.

In August, the Dalai Lama was admitted to a hospital in Mumbai, India, for four days and underwent tests for abdominal discomfort. Doctors said he was suffering from exhaustion and advised him to rest.

Just a few days ago, doctors told the Dalai Lama he was fit to resume his world travels. But he was hospitalized Thursday after a new bout of abdominal pain, CBC News reported.


St. John's Wort May Help Treat Depression: Study

The herbal medicine St. John's wort could be a suitable alternative to drugs for treating depression, suggests a German study that included nearly 5,500 people suffering from mild to severe depression.

The researchers compared the effectiveness of St. John's wort, a placebo, and a number of antidepressants, BBC News reported.

"Overall, the St. John's wort extracts tested in the trials were superior to placebo, similarly effective as standard antidepressants, and had fewer side effects," said study leader Dr. Klaus Linde.

St. John's wort has been used for decades as an alternative medicine to treat depression or stress. It's believed it helps keep a mood-enhancing chemical called serotonin in the brain longer, BBC News reported.

"Using St. John's wort extract might be justified, but products on the market vary considerably," Linde noted.


Energy-Saving Light Bulbs Can Redden Skin: Report

Ultraviolet emissions from some energy efficient compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs can cause reddening of the skin if people get too close for long periods of time, says the U.K.'s Health Protection Agency.

The agency is advising people to stay at least one foot away from CFL bulbs with exposed light coils, which emit UV light that's equivalent to being outside on a sunny day, BBC News reported. There is no danger of skin cancer, the agency emphasized.

It added that there are no UV concerns with enclosed CFL lights, where the coil is covered like a traditional light bulb.

The Health Protection Agency investigated the safety of CFL bulbs at the urging of groups that represent people with light sensitivity issues, BBC News reported. The research, believed to be the first to identify the problem, is due to be published in an academic journal.


Most Europeans Oppose Meat From Cloned Animals

More than 80 percent of Europeans reject the idea of eating meat from cloned animals because they feel there's too little known about the long-term effects of eating it, according to a survey released Thursday by the European Union.

The survey of more than 25,000 people in all 27 EU member states also found that 58 percent of respondents felt that cloning animals for food production could never be justified. However, a large minority said animal cloning was OK in order to preserve rare species, Agence France Presse reported.

The findings provide "valuable insights into the attitudes of EU citizens toward the use of animal cloning technology for food production," said EU Health Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou.

The survey results will be considered along with other opinions from the European Group of Ethics and the European Food Safety Authority, she added.