Health Tip: Vaccinations for Adults

Dec. 6 -- (HealthDay News) -- Vaccinations aren't just for kids. There are periodic vaccines that adults should get to stay healthy, too.

The Cleveland Clinic lists these vaccines recommended for people aged 18 and older:

  • Get a tetanus booster shot every 10 years.
  • A pneumonia vaccine is suggested at age 65. People with a chronic illness should get it before age 65.
  • An annual flu shot is recommended for anyone 65 or older, health-care workers, people with chronic illness, pregnant women, and people who care for very young children.
  • A hepatitis B shot is suggested for health-care workers, homosexual men, people with multiple sex partners, I.V. drug users, people on hemodialysis, and anyone with a weakened immune system.
  • A measles-mumps-rubella vaccine is suggested for women of child-bearing age, college students, health-care workers, and people who travel internationally. All of those people -- plus teachers and day-care workers -- should also have a varicella vaccine.