Health Tip: Keeping Workouts Fun

April 23 -- (HealthDay News) -- Hitting the gym on a regular schedule is a big commitment with big payoffs. But after a while, the same old routine can become boring.

The American Council on Exercise offers these suggestions to keep a workout from getting stale:

  • Make a small change to your normal workout. For example, run or walk outside instead of inside.
  • Try a new sport or activity. Learn to play a new game or take a class that teaches you a whole new way to keep fit.
  • Work out with friends.
  • Keep challenging yourself with new heights and new goals, such as running longer or faster, or swimming more laps.
  • Make sure you vary your workouts; try a lot of different exercises.
  • Treat yourself to a music player, pedometer or a new type of workout equipment.
  • Allow yourself a bit of time off. But always get back to exercising after a little rest.