Health Tip: Avoid Swimming Injury

Aug. 12 -- (HealthDay News) -- Swimming is terrific exercise and a great source of summer fun, but it's not without its risks.

The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons offers these recommendations to prevent swimming injuries:

  • Before jumping or diving in the water, warm up with some stretches, walking, running, biking or even some jumping jacks for a few minutes.
  • To prevent repetitive motion injuries of the shoulder, start an exercise program designed to strengthen shoulder and upper back muscles.
  • Take swimming lessons. And never swim alone.
  • Avoid swimming when you're overheated, too cold or just too tired.
  • Don't swim strenuously if you're sick with a fever, an upper respiratory infection or an ear infection.
  • If diving, make sure the water is safe and deep enough.
  • Carefully clean and dry ears after swimming to prevent swimmer's ear infection.