What Should I Do If I Have An Angina Attack During Sexual Intercourse?

Dr. Mehra answers the question: 'What If I Have Angina While Having Sex?'

— -- Question: What should I do if I have an angina attack during sexual intercourse?

Answer: The most important advice that I can give you is to immediately stop sexual intercourse if chest pain or intense shortness of breath are uncovered. This is essential because that's an indication that the amount of stress imposed on the heart has reached calamity proportions, if you will.

And that's when the risk of having another heart attack is heightened dramatically. So most patients should immediately cease sexual activity and rest as soon as chest pain occurs during a sexual activity.

Next: If I Get An Angina Attack During Sexual Intercourse And I Have Taken Viagra, Should I Use Nitroglycerin?

Previous: Is It Dangerous To Have Sexual Intercourse When You Have Angina?