If I Have Chronic Kidney Disease And Get Bypass Surgery, What Are My Chances Of Requiring Permanent Dialysis?

Dr. Abraham answers the question: 'Is Dialysis Likely After Bypass Surgery?'

— -- Question: I have chronic kidney disease and have been recently scheduled for bypass surgery. How high are my chances of requiring permanent dialysis?

Answer: Chronic kidney disease does increase the risk associated with certain types of surgery, particularly heart or vascular surgeries. The risk of a poor outcome from the surgery is increased by the presence of chronic kidney disease. And likewise, around the other side of the coin, the likelihood of having worsened kidney function in the setting of the surgery is also increased. So there is a risk of coming out of the surgery and requiring dialysis. The good news is that in many cases, the kidney function will recover back to its original baseline value, and many patients will not require chronic dialysis -- even if they require temporary dialysis soon after their surgical procedure.

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