Can I Take Aspirin Even Though I Had a Stomach Ulcer Four Years Ago?

Dr. Reid answers the question: 'Can I Take Aspirin Despite Previous Ulcer?'

Aug. 11, 2009— -- Question: Can I Take Aspirin Even Though I Had a Stomach Ulcer Four Years Ago?

Answer: People who take a daily aspirin to prevent heart attack or stroke are at an increased risk of ulcers or bleeding from the stomach or intestines. If you've already had an ulcer, you can still take aspirin you just have to discuss the risk and benefits with your doctor. For example, if you know that you're at high risk of stroke or heart attack, that may actually outweigh the small risk of bleeding with aspirin. And if you've already treated your ulcer, then you should be able to take a daily coated aspirin without any problems.

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