What Can Be Done To Treat Depression And Anger Resulting From Breast Cancer?

R.N. Karleen Habin answers the question: 'Treating Breast Cancer Depression?'

— -- Question from kandy teter: Hello, my twin sister was diognosed 3 years ago with breast cancer. She unterwent surgery to have her right breast removed. In November of last year her cancer returned. She had radiation which left a 3+inch "hole" in her chest (which will not heal) she must "clean and pack "it everyday to keep it clean while she is on chemo. The last MRI showed the cancer had spread to the lining of her lungs (the fluid in the lining was causing shortness of breath, the Hospital drained almost 2,000 mg), liver and some "spots" on her bones. She has had a brain scan, and is OK there, plus her heart is strong. She is on her third or fourth chemo to treat the spreading cancer which she has administered every 23 days. Her cancer is estrogen positive (Premerin is suspect). What can she do to (1) slow the cancer cell growth and (2) treat her depression and anger? Should she see a Naturpathic Dr. for treatment alternatives? we are 64 years old. Thank you.

Answer from Karleen Habin, R.N., nurse consultant for OnCall+: Breast Cancer:It is never easy being a loved one and watching someone you love go through such a difficult time – and sometimes their "suffering" can be manifested by anger and then directed toward the ones they love the most. I would encourage you to seek support for YOU. Through counseling and other support programs you may find additional ways to help your sister. In terms of your sister's treatment options – I would encourage her to speak with her medical team.