What is a Cancer Risk Assessment and Counseling Program for Breast Cancer?

Dr. Mary Daly answers the question: 'What is a Cancer Risk Assessment?'

— -- Question:What is a Cancer Risk Assessment and Counseling Program for breast cancer?

Answer:There are a growing number of cancer centers and hospitals that are offering services to women who are at increased risk for cancer, particularly breast and ovarian cancer. These are called cancer risk assessment and counseling programs, and typically they offer information and education about a woman's own personal risk for breast cancer, as well as other members of her family.

If you think you may be at increased risk, either because of a personal or a family history of breast cancer, or you may think that you share other risk factors for breast cancer, then you may benefit from sitting down and talking with a counselor, looking at all the various risk factors that might apply to you, and getting some estimate of where you stand in terms of your risk compared to other women. These counseling services can also give you information and advice about what are the best imaging and detection strategies, or if chemo-prevention trials are available to you, and other lifestyle changes that you might make to reduce your risk for breast cancer.

Next: How Can I Find a Cancer Risk Assessment and Counseling Program in My Area?

Previous: Is It Normal to Feel Like a Time Bomb Because I Have Breast Cancer in My Family?