What is the Role of My Primary Care Physician Before, During and After Breast Cancer Treatment?

Dr. Rosenberg answers the question: 'Role of My Primary Care Physician?'

— -- Question: What is the role of my primary care physician before, during and after my breast cancer treatment?

Answer: Women should have a primary care physician as an advocate, somebody who is there to listen: listen to the problems that you have, ask you questions to look for new problems.

So certainly, the primary care physician should be somebody that would be helping to be sure that you're checked on a regular basis, both the physical examination and mammography.

It would be important that this person be part of your team as you're going through the process of breast cancer treatment.

They should be informed by your entire team of surgeons, radiation therapist and medical oncologist. They should be kept informed of what's happening what you, your diagnosis and the treatment plan as it has been outlined.

It would be important for you primary care physician to be able to manage the other medical problems that you might have, either before the diagnosis or as a result of the treatment, the complications or side effects.

And certainly for the long-term, it's important your primary care physician to work in connection with this now specialized team so that they can take care of you as a whole person, looking at all aspects of your life, both personal, emotional and medical.

Next: Should I Get a Second Opinion Concerning My Breast Cancer from Another Doctor?

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