Will Diet and Vitamins Have Any Impact On My Osteoarthritis Pain?

Dr. Guettler answers the question: 'Diet and vitamins for osteoarthritis?'

— -- Question: Will diet and vitamins have any impact on my osteoarthritis pain?

Answer: When we talk about diet and osteoarthritis, it's important for patients to understand that a well-balanced diet can promote healthy bones, cartilage, and joints. In addition, there are vitamins that one can take to help promote healthy cartilage.

One of these vitamins is called glucosamine and chondroitin. Although the literature on the topic is a bit controversial, it seems that if one looks at the entire body of literature relating to glucosamine and chondroitin, there does seem to be a beneficial effect as it relates to cartilage health.

Next: What Is Hydrotherapy And How Is It Used To Treat Pain Associated With Osteoarthritis?

Previous: Are There Any Vitamins Or Herbal Supplements That Can Be Used To Treat Pain Resulting From Osteoarthritis?