Are There Things I Can Do To Prevent Pain Problems?

Dr. J.C. Gerancher answers the question: 'How Can I Prevent Pain Problems?'

— -- Question: Are There Things I Can Do To Prevent Pain Problems?

Answer: That's a question that's not commonly asked because most people first find out about chronic pain when it happens to them or a member of their family. There's some common sense approaches to avoiding chronic pain. For example, leading a healthy lifestyle, getting good rest, eating well, exercising. But we really don't know why one person will develop chronic pain, and another person won't. Probably the biggest time to think about what you can do to prevent pain is the around the time of an injury, or when you're having surgery. And during those times, a good approach to pain management is probably the best thing you can do to prevent pain.

Next: What Special Considerations Should Be Made When Treating Pain In The Elderly?

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