Are Certain Kinds Of People More Likely To Deal With Stress Better Than Others?

Dr. Muller answers the question: 'Why Do Some Deal With Stress Better?'

— -- Question: Are certain kinds of people more likely to deal with stress better than others?

Answer: Researchers have tried to find this out over the years, and there's really nothing conclusive as far as finding out who's more prone to stress or who deals with stress better. What we do know from some of the research though, is that people who have a good toolbox of coping skills tend to deal with stress better than people who don't have a toolbox of skills, or who might lean on more maladaptive skills like smoking or maybe drinking alcohol. The good news here is that this toolkit -- the ability to manage stress -- is something that's learned. So we can all learn some of these skills and build this toolbox for ourselves.

Some basic stress management skills that you can learn, either on your own or through self-help or through working with a therapist, include things like balancing your life -- getting a balance in your sleep, in eating, your daily activities, in your work. And then more advanced techniques could include things like relaxation, meditation, relaxed breathing and doing things like hobbies and interests that keep a balance between your work and your outside activities.

Next: Do We Know Why Some People Feel 'Less Stressed' Than Others Or Just Cope Better With Stress?

Previous: Are There Any Medications That Can Cause Stress?