What Is Spinal Cord Stimulation And When Is It Used To Treat Pain?

Dr. Tarun Jolly answers the question: 'What Is Spinal Cord Stimulation?'

— -- Question: What Is Spinal Cord Stimulation And When Is It Used To Treat Pain?

Answer: Spinal cord stimulation is a new and innovative therapy that's aimed specifically at patients that have been refractory to all other pain therapies.

This is specifically targeted towards a patient that has nerve-generated back pain, and may or may not have undergone surgery and used other medications.

It involves essentially transmitting an electrical charge to the spinal cord that stimulates the nerve endings to go and create more of a pleasant buzzing-type sensation. This essentially serves as distraction to the brain, and the brain says that it's not perceiving pain. Again, this is used for the most severe cases, and is meant primarily to go and alleviate the pain and not cure it.

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