5 Ancient Grains You Need to Try

Get out of your carb-comfort zone with these grains.

Here are five grains from long ago that you need to know about, plus what to do with each one.

quicklist: 1category: 5 Ancient Grains You Need to Trytitle: Amaranth url:text:

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quicklist: 2category: 5 Ancient Grains You Need to Trytitle: Milleturl:text:

Try it: Serve up millet porridge instead of oatmeal or toast it in a hot skillet to bring out its nutty flavor. Sprinkle toasted grains on fresh fruit and yogurt, cereal, or salads.

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Try it: If you don’t like the bitter flavor of whole wheat in baked goods like muffins, you may prefer spelt flour’s sweeter, nuttier bite and lighter texture. Or toss cooked spelt berries into salads for a more filling lunch. Look for “whole spelt” on the label to ensure you’re getting the whole grain, not a refined version.

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quicklist: 4category: 5 Ancient Grains You Need to Trytitle: Teffurl:text:If you’ve ever tried Ethiopian food, you’ve had teff, which is used to make their famous spongy injera bread. It’s surprisingly high in calcium, with one cup containing as much as a half-cup of cooked spinach. Teff can also help with weight management: it’s rich in a type of fiber called resistant starch, which helps you feel more satisfied, feeds your healthy gut bacteria, and doesn’t raise blood sugar levels.

Try it: This gluten-free grain has a mildly sweet flavor (injera only tastes sour because it’s made with fermented teff), and makes a delicious hot cereal similar to farina. You can also substitute whole grain teff flour for ¼ of the all-purpose flour in a recipe.

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This article originally appeared on Health.com.