Baby Born With Microcephaly in US to Woman Who Contracted Zika Elsewhere

The woman was visiting the U.S. when she gave birth, officials said.

The woman gave birth to the baby at the Donna A. Sanzari Women’s Hospital in Hackensack, New Jersey today, according to Hackensack University Medical Center.

The mother is receiving "exceptional" care, according to the hospital. Microcephaly is a condition where a baby is born with an abnormally small head and brain.

This is the first baby born with microcephaly from Zika in the continental U.S. In January, a baby in Hawaii was born with microcephaly related to the virus.

The 31-year-old woman is from Honduras, according to a source briefed on the case. The mother learned of the baby's diagnosis recently, while she was still pregnant, according to the source.

The baby is also suffering from intestinal and visual issues, according to ABC-owned station WABC.

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