Baby Food, CarbLovers, HCG Diets and More: Which Fad Diets Work?

Experts weigh in on the latest diet trends to see which diets really work.

July 22, 2011 -- intro: It's the never-ending quest, the pursuit of a beautiful bikini body for those beachy summer days.

Now that summer is halfway over, you may be left wondering, can I still get one of those bodies?

The good news is there are plenty of fad diets on the market today to try, but the question is, do any of them work?

Can you really drop pounds by reverting back to the mushy foods you ate as a baby? Will eating those carbs you thought stuck to your waistline actually slim you down? And is injecting a pregnancy hormone and limiting your calories to 500 per day healthy?

The ABC News Medical Unit rounded up those three popular diets -- the Baby Food Diet, the CarbLovers' Diet and the HCG Diet -- and subjected them to the scrutiny of nutrition experts Joanne Ikeda, nutritionist emeritus at the University of California, Berkeley; Dr. David Katz, co-founder and director of the Yale University Prevention Research Center; and Keith-Thomas Ayoob, director of the nutrition clinic at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine.

Click through the following pages to see which of these diets, and others our experts have previously reviewed, could help you achieve beach body success, and which could land you buried in the sand, or worse.

Visit the OnCall+ Wellness Center to get more tips on keeping your health on track.