Children of Ebola Specialists Shunned, Hospital Says

The kids pose a low risk but some parents ask classmates, friends to avoid them.

Dr. Mark Rupp, an infectious disease specialist at the Nebraska Medical Center, spoke at the hospital in an attempt to calm fears surrounding the Ebola virus. During his remarks he mentioned that a child belonging to a staff member in the biocontainment unit where a freelance cameraman is being treated for Ebola, was invited to a birthday party. Later the child was dis-invited once the host found out where the child’s parent worked.

Rupp said employees don’t plan on speaking to the media, but earlier today the hospital tweeted about their experiences.

"Children of parents who are working in our Biocontainment Unit are being shunned. This isn't helpful or appropriate,” read one tweet.

"Having children shunned at birthday parties or soccer games because their parent works in the Bio Unit is irrational,” read another tweet.

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