Clues to Why SkyWest Airlines Passengers Fainted in Flight

Three people passed on the flight and others reported feeling ill.

"Although oxygen levels are normal ... a slight change in oxygen could cause a person to faint," he said.

Anderson said when a passenger faints, the goal is to improve the person’s circulation either by giving oxygen or elevating the legs so the brain can get enough oxygen.

But because multiple people became ill in this case, Anderson said there could have been a combination of things that lead to their losing consciousness.

"I think the word that comes to mind is multifactorial ... are multiple things adding to this situation?" he said. "Some people really stress out about flying [or they] haven’t eaten."

Anderson said in these circumstances there's also a possibility that "crowd mentality" played a role. Passengers who see a person pass out, if they are in a slightly less pressurized cabin, could end up having similar symptoms.

Mary Cunningham, a registered nurse and fellow passenger, assisted the sick patients on the plane and said she also started to feel sick after helping them get oxygen.

"She was gray, her color looked awful, as soon as she got the oxygen she was alert," Cunningham told reporters of the first passenger who fainted.

The pilot feared a potential cabin pressure problem and dropped the plane to get breathable air, according to the Federal Aviation Administration.

John Nance, ABC News’ aviation expert, said continued depressurization in a plane, even slightly, could result in passengers’ feeling ill or sick before cockpit alarms go off, whether alarm bells go off and overhead oxygen masks fall.

Also, with less oxygen, some passengers who exert themselves will feel the effects more strongly.

“The tell-tale thing is when the nurse gets up,” he said, “and gets to feel woozy.”