The Most Dangerous Summer Foods

Without safe food prep, outdoor eating can lead to foodborne illness.

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quicklist: 3category: The Most Dangerous Summer Foodstitle: Caesar Dressingurl:text: Eating a Caesar salad can make you sick if the dressing is made the traditional way—with raw eggs. (Store-bought bottled dressing is pasteurized; it's homemade dressing you need to watch out for.) "Pay close attention to anything that could be made with raw or undercooked eggs, especially if they are not pasteurized," says Lori Zanini, RD, a Los Angeles-based dietitian. The Food and Drug Administration recommends cooking eggs thoroughly and washing all equipment that comes in contact with eggs and your hands with hot soapy water.

quicklist: 4category: The Most Dangerous Summer Foodstitle: Leafy Green Saladsurl:text: Once you know the dressing's safe, you also want to consider the lettuce itself—and the hygiene habits of the person who prepared it. A CDC report revealed that salad greens—such as lettuce, escarole, endive, spinach, cabbage, kale, arugula, and chard—caused 262 outbreaks involving 8,836 reported cases of foodborne illness between 1998 and 2008. There are a few ways greens can be contaminated: at the farm by manure or dirty water rinses; when a sick person preps a salad without washing their hands; and by cross-contamination at home (for example, by using the same cutting board for raw meat and salad prep, which spreads bacteria from meat to produce.) Wash greens before eating by placing them in a large colander and tossing them under your faucet, or by using a salad spinner.

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