Get the Facts About Breast Cancer

Most Americans know someone who's had breast cancer.

Oct. 15, 2013— -- Most Americans know someone who's had breast cancer. After all, one in eight women will receive a breast cancer diagnosis at some point in their lives. And, while most people know the facts about eating right, wearing a bike helmet and buckling up when in a car, many still don't know what they can do to prevent breast cancer, and how to catch it early if it does develop.

As part of ABC News Goes Pink, a month-long breast cancer awareness campaign, our chief health and medical correspondent Dr. Richard Besser will moderate a tweet chat on this important health topic. We'll be joined by some of the nation's top organizations for breast cancer, including the American Cancer Society, the American Association for Cancer Research and the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, as well as doctors, families and breast cancer survivors.

Join the chat to learn all you can about the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of this disease. Click here to find out more. If you tweet or Instagram your photos and videos to our hashtag, we may post them to our live blog below. You can can follow the live blog during the chat for more information and resources. Mobile users can follow the live blog with this link.