COVID-19 updates: LA has highest daily death total since April

There are over 4,300 people hospitalized with COVID-19 in Los Angeles County.

As the COVID-19 pandemic has swept the globe, more than 5.5 million people have died from the disease worldwide, including over 849,000 Americans, according to real-time data compiled by Johns Hopkins University's Center for Systems Science and Engineering.

About 62.9% of the population in the United States is fully vaccinated against COVID-19, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


Utah urges symptomatic people not to take up tests

Utah health officials on Friday announced a change to testing guidelines due to a shortage of test availability in the state.

Symptomatic individuals in the general public are urged not to test and just isolate for five days and the "Test To Stay" program at schools is being suspended.

Since Christmas Day, daily tests in Utah have jumped from about 19,000 to nearly 48,000.

State epidemiologist Dr. Leisha Nolen said Utah must use its test supply where it has the biggest impact, and right now that's not in the general community or schools.

Utah officials say you should still get tested if: you have underlying conditions; you're visiting a vulnerable individual; you work in a health care setting and are symptomatic or have been exposed; you’re seeking confirmation that the infection has passed so you can end isolation.

-ABC News' Matt Fuhrman

Report shows omicron's rapid spread in NYC 

Omicron became the dominant variant in New York City within five weeks after it was first detected, according to a new report released Thursday by the city's health department.

By comparison, it took 20 weeks for the delta variant to become dominant.

The report, which details preliminary findings on the city's omicron wave, found that there have been lower hospitalization rates but more total hospitalizations compared to the delta wave due to "significantly greater case numbers."

Unvaccinated New Yorkers were more than eight times more likely to be hospitalized than those who were fully vaccinated early in the omicron wave, the report found. Black New Yorkers and people ages 75 and older also were more likely to be hospitalized.

Study finds higher risk of COVID-19 complications for unvaccinated pregnant women

Unvaccinated pregnant women with COVID-19 and their newborn babies have a higher risk of complications from the disease compared with those who are vaccinated, a new study found.

In the study, published Thursday in Nature Medicine, researchers from Public Health Scotland looked at vaccination rates and COVID-19 outcomes in 131,875 pregnant women in Scotland between Dec. 8, 2020, and Oct. 31, 2021, when the delta variant was dominant.

They found that 90.9% of COVID-19 hospital admissions, 98% of intensive care admissions and all 450 newborn deaths were in unvaccinated pregnant women.

The study reiterates the importance of pregnant women getting vaccinated against the virus due to a greater risk of dangerous health complications from COVID-19. A growing body of research has shown the vaccines to be safe and effective for pregnant women.

-ABC News' Dr. Siobhan Deshauer, Sony Salzman and Dr. Alexis Carrington

Over 200 scientists, doctors sign letter in support of Fauci 

Following heated exchanges between Dr. Anthony Fauci and several Republican senators at a Congressional hearing Tuesday, more than 200 prominent science and public health leaders have now penned an open letter voicing their support of the White House chief medical adviser's service and leadership -- and condemning attacks against him. 

"We deplore the personal attacks on Dr. Fauci," the letter says. "The criticism is inaccurate, unscientific, ill-founded in the facts and, increasingly, motivated by partisan politics. It is a distraction from what should be the national focus -- working together to finally overcome a pandemic that is killing about 500,000 people a year."

Signatories include former Senate majority leader Bill Frist, a Republican; Rich Besser, former acting director for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; members of President Joe Biden's transition COVID-19 task force; and several Nobel laureates.

The letter comes two days after a Health, Education, Labor and Pensions committee hearing, during which Fauci publicly accused Republican Sen. Rand Paul of fomenting the violent threats and harassment that he and his family have had to contend with during the pandemic's politicized climate.

-ABC News' Sasha Pezenik

British prime minister apologizes for attending lockdown party

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson apologized Wednesday for attending a party during England's strict lockdown in 2020.

It was the first time that Johnson acknowledged he went to a garden party at his official residence and office on London's Downing Street in May 2020. He is facing growing anger and calls for his resignation over claims he and his staff flouted COVID-19 restrictions by holding a "bring your own booze" party. At the time, Johnson's government had imposed restrictions barring people in England from meeting more than one individual outside their household.

During the weekly Prime Minister’s Questions session in the House of Commons in London on Wednesday, Johnson said he had considered the garden party to be a work event to thank his staff for their efforts during the pandemic.

"I want to apologize," Johnson told lawmakers. "With hindsight, I should have sent everyone back inside."

The prime minister urged people to await "the full conclusion" of an investigation by senior civil servant Sue Gray into several alleged parties by government staff. Gray will report her findings by the end of the month.

Opposition Labour Party leader Keir Starmer said Johnson's defense was "the pathetic spectacle of a man who has run out of road" and demanded he "do the decent thing and resign."

The prime minister declined to resign and didn't explicitly admit that he had broken any rules, but said he understood "the rage."

"I know that millions of people across this country have made extraordinary sacrifices over the past 18 months," he added. "I understand the anger, the rage that they feel at the thought that people in Downing Street were not following those rules."

-ABC News' Guy Davies, Ian Pannell and Joseph Simonetti