Protests against mandated COVID-19 vaccines pop up across US

Pushback is happening over vaccine requirements and mask mandates.

The United States is facing a COVID-19 surge this summer as the more contagious delta variant spreads.

More than 615,000 Americans have died from COVID-19 and over 4.2 million people have died worldwide, according to real-time data compiled by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University.

Just 58.4% of Americans ages 12 and up are fully vaccinated against COVID-19, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The CDC last week, citing new science on the transmissibility of the delta variant, changed its mask guidance to now recommend everyone in areas with substantial or high levels of transmission -- vaccinated or not -- wear a face covering in public, indoor settings.


Texas sees demand for vaccinations skyrocket

In Texas, the demand for vaccines is skyrocketing. The number of daily doses has jumped from about 44,000 (just after the 4th of July) to 73,000 as of Monday, said Chris Van Duesen, spokesperson for the state’s Department of State Health Services.

Data ‘tipping’ to show delta more serious for kids than past variants

National Institutes of Health director Francis Collins told CNN Tuesday the data is "tipping" toward showing how the delta variant is more serious for children than past variants.

Collins listed studies from Singapore, Scotland and Canada that "certainly tilts the balance in that direction" but made clear that more data is needed.

Collins also added that part of the reason the U.S. is seeing more children in hospitals is because they're part of the unvaccinated population and he doesn't want to "overstate the confidence."

-ABC News’ Cheyenne Haslett

NYC to require proof of vaccination to eat inside

New York City will soon require vaccinations for workers and customers for indoor dining, indoor fitness facilities and indoor entertainment facilities, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced Tuesday.

This mandate will be enforced as of Sept. 13.

US ships more than 100 million vaccine doses abroad

The Biden administration has hit a vaccine-sharing milestone, shipping more than 110 doses to over 60 countries around the world, mostly through COVAX, the World Health Organization's vaccine-sharing initiative. The U.S. has shared more doses than every other country combined, according to United Nations data.

Starting at the end of August, the U.S. will begin shipping another batch of 500 million doses of Pfizer to 100 low-income countries across the globe. Two-hundred million of those 500 million doses are expected to be shipped in 2021.

-ABC News’ Sarah Kolinovsky

US records highest number of daily vaccinations since July 3

The U.S. has seen 864,000 vaccinations in the last 24 hours, the highest daily number since July 3, White House coronavirus response coordinator Jeff Zients said Thursday.

Among those 864,000 vaccinations were 585,000 first shots -- the highest since July 1.

Zients said "Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri, Alabama, Oklahoma and Mississippi are now vaccinating people at a pace not seen since April."

Tennessee has seen a 90% increase in first shots over the past two weeks and Georgia has recorded a 66% increase in first shots in the last two weeks.

However, seven states -- Florida, Texas, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi – which have some of the lowest vaccination rates, "account for about half of new cases and hospitalizations in the past week, despite making up less than a quarter of the U.S. population," Zients said.

-ABC News’ Cheyenne Haslett