Locally Transmitted Zika Virus Cases Found in New Area in Florida

This is the third area to have local Zika transmission in Florida.

In total, five people -- three people living in the area and two who either visited or worked in the area -- are believed to have been infected from mosquitoes carrying the Zika virus. Officials from the Florida Department of Health reported that the affected area is approximately 1 square mile.

The Zika outbreak has been ongoing in certain regions of the greater Miami area since July. This is the third area to have had local Zika transmission via mosquitoes. Department investigators are now going door-to-door in the affected areas to investigate if there are additional unreported Zika cases. Mosquito control measures are also taking place in order to reduce the population of the Aedes aeygpti mosquito, the species that spreads the Zika virus.

"The hurricane leaving all that standing water and also blowing some mosquitoes around ... has clearly created an environment of increased concern in Miami-Dade County," Schaffner said. "Most of us are watching Zika events in Miami-Dade County ... with great interest."